You're always enough for the forest.
The birds don't care how productive you are.
The undergrowth accepts whatever emotions you hold - your rage and grief are just as invited as your joy and love.
The earth beneath your feet will hold your body no matter what it looks like, its folds, its hair, its scars or its shape.
And who you love doesn't matter to the Redwoods trees or the Douglas firs.
You're always welcome with them.
You just are.
You're always enough for the ocean.
The waves will lap at your feet and the wind will catch at your hair no matter how many times you've said the wrong thing or had to start over.
The otters and the newts will be curious whether you are rich or poor, old or young, whether you feel broken or whole.
The river doesn't need to forgive you for your wrongs, you're already absolved.
You just are.
You're always enough for the sun.
The stars will shine on you no matter the kind of day you've had.
The skies will lighten each morning unbothered by what you have or haven't achieved and at what pace.
The moon will pass through its phases and you'll do the same and whether you are bright and full or a shadow of yourself, you are owed its light.
You just are.
You just are, you just are, you just are.
The starlings are small, the same as you, but they do not worry if they deserve their space.
They are here the same as you.
The shrike hunts how it was born to, this does not belie its innocence, nor are you belied yours.
They are here the same as you.
No better, no worse, you are here to live and to die.
To love and be loved.
To do your best and sometimes your worst and sometimes somewhere in the middle.
You're always enough for the forest, the ocean, the skies.
You're always enough.
You just are.
So be.